Look forward to a wonderful mountain summer.
Our 2024 summer season starts on Saturday, 15 June 2024 and ends on Sunday, 8 September 2024.
We’re looking forward to the mountain summer like crazy! Are you too? Go on holiday in Switzerland – bin ünsch. Home from home.
See you soon on the Alp Maran
Your Hof Maran Crew
8. BIS 11. AUGUST 2024
Hof Maran Challenge-Package
- Ab 3 Übernachtungen
- Ausgewogenes Frühstücksbuffet
- Chef’s Night am Donnerstagabend
- Grillplausch im Golfhuus am Freitagabend
- Challenge Dinner am Samstagabend mit musikalischer Begleitung von Mr. Soulsax
- pro Person 1x 18-Loch Greenfee für die Proberunde
- pro Person 1x 18-Loch Greenfee und 1x Matchfee für die Hof Maran Challenge (Golfturnier) am Samstag inkl. Zwischenverpflegung auf der Golfhuusterrasse inkl. Champagner-Stand von Billecart-Salmon
- Arosa All-Inclusive Freizeitangebot mit der Arosa Card
(inklusive Nutzung Bergbahnen)
Ab CHF 699.50
10. AUGUST 2024
62. Hof Maran Challenge
Die Hof Maran Challenge ist mittlerweile mit Abstand das älteste Golfturnier in Arosa. Die 62. Austragung soll wiederum ganz im Zeichen von Geselligkeit und Genuss, aber auch der sportlichen Challenge stehen. Wer alle Programmpunkte wie die Kitchenparty mit den diversen eingeladenen Küchenchefs, den Grillplausch im Golfhuus, das Turnier und das Challenge Dinner erleben möchte, bucht am besten gleich das gesamte Package von Donnerstag bis Sonntag.
Für alle, die noch etwas Höhentraining vor oder nach
dem Turnier machen wollen, bieten wir gerne Verlängerungsnächte zu einem reduzierten Preis an.
Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Zum zehnten Mal kocht Cyrill Pflugi gemeinsam mit befreundeten Küchenchefs:
• Yannick Hänggi
Gastgeber im Simply im Rössli, Laufen
• Karsten Zahn
Küchenchef Sportpark Rabenberg, Breitenbrunn (DE)
• Gerd Reber
Küchenchef im Waldhotel Arosa mit 16 GaultMillau Punkten
• Ole Petzold
Leitung Küche / Stv. Leitung Gastronomie
Alterszentrum Wiesendamm, Basel
• Markus Trösch
Kochkursleiter Frog’s Crazy Kitchen, Berikon
• Pascal Meister
Restaurantleiter Schlüsselzunft, Basel-Stadt
• Thomas Krättli
Küchenchef im Hotel Stoffel, Arosa
Selbstständig mit seinem Catering-Trailer Simply Food
• Nicole Uffelmann
Pâtissière Hof Maran zuvor Konditorin Bäckerei Weber, Arosa
• Chrigu Moser
Familien-Käserei Jumi AG, Boll
An der Chef’s Night sind Sie als Gast nicht untätig. Sie holen sich Ihre Köstlichkeiten aus der Küche und können sich ganz nebenbei den ein oder anderen Tipp von den Profis holen.
Creating something new
Benefits included for our overnight guests:
- Discounted admission to the Arosa bear sanctuary
- Free travel on the Rhaetian Railway between Arosa and Lüen-Castiel
- Free use of the Arosa local bus
- Reduced admission to the rope park
- Free pedalo and boat hire on the Obersee
- Free entry to the Untersee lido
- Free use of the Bike Skill Centre
- Free use of the public ice skating rink
- Free use of ChippinGolf
- Free use of the driving range at Arosa Golf Club
- Free admission to the Schanfigger local history museum “Eggahuus”
- Reduced admission to the Hochwang archery park, St. Peter
With us you will certainly find the bike activity to your taste.
Whether you want to enjoy the beautiful nature around Arosa on a leisurely bike tour, are an ambitious professional biker or a courageous downhiller, here you are sure to find a bike activity to suit your taste.
Where hikes are unforgettable
Arosa’s unique location sets apart from other holiday regions. Arosa is an absolute must for those seeking peace and quiet who are passionate about hiking.
Where the green starts at your door
The Panorama Golf Course Arosa is one of the highest – and arguably most beautiful 18-hole golf courses in Europe. Between 2018 and 2020, the golf course was remodelled and made even more beautiful.
Come see for yourself.
Gift. Experience. Enjoy.
Give a gift that you would love yourself! We hope you enjoy looking through our vouchers and finding the perfect gift.
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash
Sleep is the most exquisite invention
When our guests wake up in the morning and draw back the curtains, they are immediately amazed by the fantastic panorama of Alp Maran. In this moment, the comfort of our beautiful rooms fades into the background. Recharge your mind and body at a completely unique location. If you’re looking for an authentic mountain holiday, then you’ve come to the right place.
Our newly built Alpine Panorama Double Plus room (35 m2) smells wonderfully of Swiss pine . The use of natural materials like granite and wood gives the room a homely warmth. Have a blissful sleep and sweet dreams with our box-spring beds.
Treat yourself to a dose of wellness in your own steam shower or relaxing bath, using the inviting bathtub in the separate bathroom. Enjoy hours of relaxation in the sunshine on the spacious balcony complete with breathtaking views of the Arosa mountains.
Fireside dinning with a view
Inside by the fireplace or outside on the terrace, the cosy atmosphere, breathtaking views of the golf course and the mountain panorama delight our guests. Head chef Felix Harm and the front of house team will serve you small and large delicacies.
Where guests are fitter
Energise yourself after an active day outside in our wonderfully light and airy fitness room. Or break down lactate on a range of different cardio machines after a heavy day on the bike. How about a little motivational coordination training from Sensopro? Easy on the joints, the programme uses complex exercise sequences to help you gain confidence for all forms of sport.